Enjoy the never-ending thrill and adrenaline rushPlanes Mission Crafting DeadEnjoy the never-ending thrill and adrenaline rush There are two sides to
Enjoy the never-ending thrill and adrenaline rush
Planes Mission Crafting Dead
Enjoy the never-ending thrill and adrenaline rush
There are two sides to every story and you are smack in the middle in Planes Mission Crafting Dead. Become the hero and save the world from all out war in this first person shooter experience you must ply to believe!
✲❈There's a New Enemy in Town... ❈✲
Earth is visited by extra terrestrials who claim they are refugee earthlings from a past extinction returning to their home planet. One might think these newcomers would be peaceful and try to blend into society and become accepted by society, but that's not the case... at least, not in your experience.
Waking up with a dagger pointed at your throat is exactly as terrifying as it sounds. That's the greeting I received early Thursday morning. "Mind explaining your presence?" I ask, eyeing the proximity of the blade to my throat. "No time for jokes!" the intruder growls." I snort, then my voice lowers to match their own. "Listen, I'm trying my best to be polite here, but if you move that knife a centimeter closer to me, I will tear you apart." The intruder considered this, then backed away as advised. As I sat up in bed, the figure produced a bag of what looked to be cookies from somewhere within his robes. "If that's supposed to be a peace treaty for your earlier transgressions, you've got another thing coming. I like a good chocolate chip just as much as the next man, but I'll make my own if I feel so inclined, thank you very much." The bag disappeared quickly back into the folds of the intruder's robes. "No, this is no offering of peace. It's an antidote. You have three days before the poison we injected you with kills you. To receive the antidote, we'll require your services." My scowl darkened instantly. "You better have a good reason-" "We know you are a Leaper. We need your power and skill to win us back our land." I was impressed such an ancient people knew of leapers- rare people born under the powers of a leap year, only recently discovered as the powerful forces they were. "If you can't help us, we'll take our antidote elsewhere." Rising from the bed, I turned to the figure. "I've been hired for my services before, and the characters who employee me are an intense bunch, but you guys take the cake." I grab for my robes, but when I turn around, the figure is gone. In his place are coordinates. Hmm, well played, I thought, snatching the scrap up. Well played.
✲❈Eliminate All Enemies ❈✲
Get ready to navigate enemy territory. Here there is no guarantee of survival. Quest to destroy all who oppose your mission. As you enter the arena, you'll need to scout the map for any hidden melee or firearm weapon. Quickly equip the weapon and start blasting past enemies. Along with exploding barrels situated throughout the levels, you'll have a myriad of ways to knock out foes. Each enemy will test you in their own way. In order to overcome them, you will need a mixture of wit, reflexes and skill. Progress through the mission and once all enemies have been destroyed, proceed to the next level where the challenge is notched up with more enemies and extremely brutal combats.
To ensure you enjoy a truly immersive and intense gaming experience, Planes Mission Crafting Dead featured levels that are amazingly HUGE! Because of this, load time can take awhile. We ask that you don't penalize us with a one-star review. This is, after all, a FREE game... Please rate kindly!
Top Game Features:
*Amazing enemy variety
*Choose weapons easily via simple, touch screen controls
*Make the most of ammo and health pickups
*Dominate vast landscaped
*Enjoy classic cube-style graphics
-Interactive surroundings include exploding barrels
Planes Mission Crafting Dead is not associated with Minecraft, nor any of its skins, textures or characters.